Coronavirus Guidelines

Moor Allerton - Coronavirus Guidelines
Payment: You will have to pre-book and pay via the website we will accept no cash payments at this time
Hand washing: You will need to sanitise your hands on entering the studio and when you leave. There are hand sanitising stations inside the studios on the wall.
Cleaning: The studio will be thoroughly cleaned before and after we leave.
Markings: There will be electrical tape on the floor you will need to dance on this spot at a 2m distance from the other users, we will need to implement centre barre for the time being as I don’t have enough barres to have one per person. (This won’t be an issue if anything it will make us stronger).
Ventilation: Doors and windows will be open so please wear warm clothing to dance in to avoid injury.
Equipment: You will need to bring your own stretching band, water and yoga mat for floor barre.
Class sizes: This will be limited to 15 people per class
Clothing: Please arrive in ballet clothes and leave in your ballet clothes.
Queuing: Please wait outside the venue until your class is about to begin.
Camera: I will have my iPad camera facing me during class for those students who still want to attend via Zoom.
Entering and exiting the studio: Enter via the front door and exit via the fire escape.
Symptoms: If you exhibit any coronavirus symptoms and/or test positive you must notify me straight away so I can inform the track and trace program and the venue.
Face masks: Face masks don’t have to be worn in class as there is little evidence about their effectiveness, it is better for students to adhere to social distancing instead. Face masks can also restrict breathing so it is not advisable during exercise. However, we will wear masks at the barre but you will have the option to do centre barre if you prefer not to wear a mask.
More information: Please visit the below government guidance website for further information;
Yorkshire Dance: Coronavirus Guidelines
Please watch the Yorkshire Dance ‘Welcome Back’ video
All visitors will be asked to wear a face covering when entering, moving around the building, and leaving. Face coverings should only be removed when in the studio, or if asked to do so for the purposes of identification. Government guidelines must be followed for changing face coverings, disposing of disposable face coverings, and storing non-disposable face coverings carefully. This does not apply to people who are exempt from wearing face coverings due to underlying medical conditions.
The new NHS Test & Trace app launches tomorrow (24th September). We have QR codes ready to be displayed around the building. People will be able to sign in by scanning this QR code if they wish; however, we will still be manually signing people in for the time being. The reason for this is that it is a brand new app that everyone is being urged to use, which often causes crashes. There may be technical issues or other problems, so we’d rather not rely solely on it until we are certain that it will work as expected.
Clear signage is displayed throughout the building to remind building users about the importance of: hand washing and sanitising, social distancing, ventilation, the disposal of tissues/paper towels/waste.
Staff will provide written or spoken communication on the latest guidelines.
Electric hand dryers or disposable paper towels are available for drying of hands in all toilet and kitchen areas (no towels or tea towels will be available for use).Tissues are available in all studios and meeting rooms to catch sneezes and coughs.
Lidded bins are available throughout the building for the disposable of paper towels and tissues. All bins are emptied daily.
Hand sanitising stations are located at all three building entry points. Signage is displayed to ask people to sanitise hands on entering the building. Hand sanitiser is available in other areas of the building
Hand washing facilities and sanitising station are checked twice daily and dispensers refilled.
Before re-opening the premises to the public, an assessment will be completed to make sure it meets health and safety standards and a full deep clean will take place.
Daily checks will be completed by the Yorkshire Dance staff member responsible for opening the building, following the “Daily COVID-19 Checklist” in place.
New cleaning regimes for the premises have been established in relation to COVID-19, including increased hours of cleaning. Cleaning focuses on walls and edges of the floor near walls due to ventilation and on thorough disinfection of high-touch objects and surfaces.
High-touch objects and surfaces are wiped twice during the day by staff. Studio floors will be cleaned between groups conducting floor work
Areas not in use will be locked and shut off to make cleaning more manageable. If a person with coronavirus symptoms has been on the premises, a deep clean will take place, following decontamination guidance
A cleaning schedule will be made visible to visitors and be kept up to date.
The timetable of classes/bookings has been amended to allow for at least 15 minutes between different groups using spaces, to avoid busy class changeovers and allow time for additional cleaning.
Unnecessary items (soft play equipment, excess chairs, soft furnishings such as cushions) have been removed from areas being used and stored elsewhere. Any equipment that is shared will be cleaned between groups using it (ballet barres, piano, chairs).
We will encourage external ventilation by opening windows. We will encourage internal ventilation by opening doors (excluding fire doors) when activity is NOT taking place. When activity is taking place, doors between spaces should be kept shut to reduce spread.
Advice on the use of air conditioning and whether this can increase the risk of spreading coronavirus is not currently clear, therefore all air conditioning in the building has been disabled until further notice. This will be reviewed regularly as advice becomes clearer and you will notified of any changes.
Capacities of studios and meeting rooms have been reduced (only 20 students per class) to accommodate for social distancing. Signage is displayed to show capacities in each space.
Social distancing markings are in place in the Changing Rooms to limit numbers of users. Signage is displayed to show the capacity of each Changing Room.
Social distancing markings are in place to ensure building users do not come within 1+ metre of the reception desk. Foyer use will be managed to avoid crowding
The seating and tables have been reconfigured to optimise spacing and reduce face-to-face interactions.
The automatic glass door (main entrance on St Peter’s Square) will only be opened at specific times, e.g. activity start and finish times. Anyone arriving early before their booked time will not be allowed onto the premises until the space they are using is empty and has been cleaned. They may have to wait outside until their booked time.
Building users will be asked to leave the premises promptly when they have finished any activity on site.
Everyone will be asked not to enter the premises if they or a member of their household or support bubble is experiencing coronavirus symptoms and will be encouraged to access testing
Signage is displayed at the entrance to the building to ensure this. If a symptomatic person enters the premises, they will be sent home immediately or isolated in a designated room until leaving the premises is possible. If anyone becomes unwell with a new continuous cough or a high temperature whilst on the premises, they will be sent home immediately or isolated in a designated room until leaving the premises is possible and will be encouraged to access testing
We will request that they get in contact with their test result once they have been tested for COVID-19.
Yorkshire Dance staff who are involved in handling a situation with a symptomatic person will adhere to social distancing, wear a face covering and wear disposable gloves. PPE will be disposed of properly, following, decontamination guidance.
The staff involved in handling a situation with a symptomatic person will be asked to access testing and then to self-isolate until their test comes back negative.
If a person is tested positive for COVID-19 and we have been notified via NHS Test & Trace,
We will get in touch with anyone that came into contact with the person whilst on the premises, advising them to access testing then self-isolate until their test comes back negative. If advised that a member of staff or public that were recently on the premises has developed COVID-19, we will contact NHS Test & Trace to discuss the case, identify people who have been in contact with them and will take advice on any actions or precautions that should be taken.
We will keep contact details on file for anyone attending a Yorkshire Dance internal programme or class should we need to get in contact following NHS Test & Trace advice. Room hirers/class tutors will keep contact details for anyone attending their activity and must agree to notify their participants following NHS Test & Trace advice
All visitors to the building will be signed in by a member of Yorkshire Dance staff. Their contact details will be obtained if not done so already and these details temporarily kept for 21 days in line with government guidance.
We will provide clear guidance on social distancing and hygiene to visitors before arrival, for example by email when purchasing tickets, and on any digital marketing and websites. An easy-read guide to following our measures will be sent to specific vulnerable groups who attend programmes and classes. We will use simple, clear messaging to explain guidelines using images and clear language, with consideration of groups such as people with learning disabilities, people for which English may not be their first language, people with visual or hearing impairments, etc. It will be made available to members of the public via the Yorkshire Dance website.
All Yorkshire Dance staff willread and sign the“COVID-19 Premises Risk Assessment” and the “Yorkshire Dance COVID-19 Response Plan”. Any questions must be directed to the Health & Safety Lead (Executive Director) or the COVID-19 Compliance Manager (Facilities Manager). Yorkshire Dance management will make sure all staff understand COVID-19 related safety procedures and are kept up to date with how safety measures are being implemented or updated.
They will provide clear, consistent and regular communication to improve understanding and consistency of ways of working.
All staff working on the premises will be trained on procedures relating to if a person in the building is suspected of having COVID-19 or are displaying any symptoms.
Fire, first aid and emergency procedures will be reviewed regularly to ensure they can still be followed with limited staff and changes to the premises.