There is always so much to think about in ballet even a simple plié requires everything from the ground up to be in harmony in order to be executed correctly. Below I will explain briefly how each part of the body should be placed in order to achieve the perfect plié.
FEET: Three points of the foot should be engaged with the floor the big toe, little toe and the heel.
KNEES: The knees should be directly over the ball of the foot and not too far over.
THIGHS: The thighs should be equally turned out from the hips and engaged.
SPINE: You should try and lengthen your lumbar spine (lower back) rather than it being arched or tilted.
SHOULDERS: The shoulders should be back and down and the chest should be open (think regal.)
HEAD: There should be no tension in the face and neck. The strength in ballet should come from your core abdominal muscles and not from the neck.

Written by
Michelle Higgins
@ Balletic
Adult ballet classes in Leeds